Monday, September 14, 2009

Aion Weekend

So I preordered Aion this Saturday and played it Sunday for a few hours just to get to lvl 10 and check out the flying. It took me about 3 to 4 hours to get to lvl 10 which isn't to bad. I was playing as a Templar on the Trinel server. My name was Aionic for right now on that server. Maybe you saw me running around learn what to do. It is going to take me some time to learn how to play since this is only my second MMO and it seems way different from WAR.

My impressions so far is that it is ok. I don't like that you have to sit to regain health. The flying was pretty impressive and I enjoyed that and the world was well designed and nice to look at. I can see the grind in crafting and money. I think leveling will be a little bit of a grind. Should be interesting.

I know I am playing a Templar in Aion and I know my name. We still haven't decided on a server yet. It is between three right now Zikel, Trinel, and Israphel (I think that is its name). Should be an interesting time when we decide.

Well I am off to learn how to play the Templar on the forums hopefully I will get the hang of it.


  1. No downtime is definitely what WAR spoiled us with. Most prior MMO's always had slower regen rates like Aion does.

    If you don't want downtime I suggest playing a cleric. All their spells are low mana cost, and you can heal yourself to full health.

    I think on my cleric I actually had to sit maybe once or twice to level 15.

  2. I've had it easy in Aion up until now, I'm playing Chanter and I can heal myself and fight pretty good. In WAR I was a Bright Wizard, and I was exploding most of the time :P
